Google To Roll Out A Welcome Redesign For Mobile Search


Google has recently announced to roll out a visual welcome redesign on Google Mobile Search to enhance and simplify the search results.

According to an official statement of the Google:

“We wanted to take a step back to simplify a bit so people could find what they’re looking for faster and more easily”

This announcement was made on an official blog and the search engine giant claims that after the redesign the text will appear bolder and larger which will be easily scanned. The pages after search will be edge to edge with larger and visible text with some shadows. The user will also be able to make the important text by making it colorful.

You can check the details on the image given below:

The new design adds more information at the top of the page and reduces some visual clutter, which will hopefully make the results easier to analyze. The company has gone for more rounds and increased use of the company’s signature font.

Image of phone displayed on screen with Google search. The search query is for “running Spot SF“.

It’s not a big change, but it’s definitely welcome. Google admits that the search for the phone is about speed and imaginary graphics doesn’t matter. This is especially important when you are in a hurry and want to tap a highly relevant post.

According to Google, the new update will be implemented in the coming weeks.


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