Off Net Calls in Pakistan Get Cheaper


Off Net Calls

Off Net Calls

The Off net calls in Pakistan will go cheaper by 10% at the start of the next year and Pakistan Telecommunication Authority has revised its MTR (Mobile Termination Rate) from 90 paisas per minute to 80 paisas per minute. The media has reported this development for the first time and also verified it.

The PTA spokesperson has confirmed the authenticity of this news that the reduction in MTR is now coming and the current MTR rate of 0.90 rupee per minute will be reduced to 0.80 rupee, which will be started from 01 January 2019. Off Net Calls in Pakistan Get Cheaper. The PTA spokesperson said that MTR would be revised to 0.70 rupee per minute, which will be started from 01 January 2020.

Off Net calls going to cheap

Off Net calls going to cheap

The MTR or the mobile termination rate is such amount that the receiving operator must charge, when he makes a call to another network. The current MTR of 0.90 rupee per minute was determined in 2010 and the operator charged less than this rate.

The dynamics of the industry was changed and the call for reduction in MTR from mobile operators except Jazz had the edge as they have high MTR as it receives maximum number of off net calls and it is the largest operator in Pakistan. it is worth mentioned that PTA asked all stakeholders for the input to revise MTR. They have done their consultation and PTA had notified the revised MTR rate previous year that were not implemented back.


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