NSA Hacked NTC to Spy on Pakistani Leadership


Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) of Pakistan in order to spy on the civilian and military leadership of Pakistan.

It is important to note that government officials use the phone lines of NTC to provide backend services of government communications.

The report provides information about the spying of Pakistan government and it comes in the middle of documents leaked by Edward Snowden.

Snowden worked with ‘The Intercept’ to tell them the details of the program used by NSA through which they can easily take control of their desired computers by inserting the SECONDGATE malware in them.

This malware was especially used to spy on the activities of foreign countries by avoiding security systems including firewalls.

The NSA hacked NTC computers to obtain secret documents of Pakistani civil and military leadership

The insertion of infections in target computers is confirmed by at least two documents while the computers taken over by these malwares also include those that belong to Pakistani government.

In the documents of April 2013, it is stated about the successful hack of Pakistani computer systems including Pakistani NTC servers through which the NSA can also even disable the servers of Pakistani NTC if required.

Another software was also used by the NSA to take control of Pakistani targets’ web servers

According to details, SECONDGATE is the malware used to break the VIP division of NTC as it redirects browser computers to the NSA web server. Green Line Communication Network is used by military and civilian leadership of Pakistan which was hacked by this malware.

Green Line Communication is used directly by all the Pakistani officials above grade 22 including PM, President, ministers, secretaries, chief justice, services chiefs etc. as they are considered as the most secure private communication in Pakistan.

Through another leaked document, taken from newsletter for Special Source Operation division of NSA, several other efforts by another NSA software were made to hack web servers of Pakistani targets which infect the computers later.


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