Qatar may Become First Country Using 5G


Doha, 5G technology is passing through the experiments and it will be presented to the users in 2020 but Qatar is determined to bring it in its country to use for its citizens and it wants to become first country of the world to use this latest 5G technology. 5G is 65000th fastest technology if it is compared with 4G technology and it will be presented at the end of 2018. It will be presented for the common users in 2020. Qatar officials said that 2020 is far and they want to present this technology for their users first of all user countries. Qatar has also signed the agreement with a company based in Barcelona and the working is started with great speed on this particular project.

The telecommunication company of Qatar says that they have already installed all of the instruments and now they hope that after its complete trial, they will present it for its citizens and in this way, Qatar will become the first country of the world to use 5G technology. It is to be said that 85% homes of Qatar are already connected with fiber network and they have internet speed of 1 Gbps. However, with the introduction of 5G technology, this speed will reach to 10 Gbps. The common people can understand this speed that they can download a complete movie within one second.

Qatar may Become First Country Using 5G

Qatar may Become First Country Using 5G



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