Apple has been releasing various computing devices in its Mac Lineup. The company is renowned due to its Windows desktops and laptops under premium price range of Mac devices. The company is currently using Intel processors in its Mac devices. But in a recent decision, the company plans to prompt its own ARM processors from Intel processors in upcoming Mac devices. In this way, the company thinks that the devices would become cheaper than other devices that come with Intel processor inside and will contribute to increase the company’s market share as well.
Recently, Apple has launched iPhone 12 series in its smartphone lineup and for now company is supposed to launch its highly anticipated MacBooks. The upcoming MacBooks are expected to be powered by Apple’s own Silicon. As far as the performance and battery life is concerned the new devices will be better than the existing Intel-powered laptops. The experts suggest that the new devices will go down around $200.
An Apple Insider Analyst Samik Chatterjee said:
“Apple has a market opportunity of around $15 billion, which will assure a multi-year growth in a lackluster PC market”