Samsung will Launch Smart Phone With 144MP Camera


Commonly mobile users prefer camera performance while purchasing it, in this regard Samsung has been always at the top. Many phone manufacturers rely on Samsung’s supply of high-quality camera sensors, and 108MP sensors are expected in the company’s next smart phone series.

However, according to a famous tipstar on Twitter called IceUniverse, the Korean tech company plans to push things further with the 145mm camera sensor that will be built on the 14nm FinFET process.

Samsung 144mp sensor

Samsung 144mp sensor

In the Tweet, infographics and technical specifications explaining how current camera sensor technology is limited to 100MP is also included. To achieve more than 100MP pixel density, Samsung will need 14nm FinFet technology that will also help reduce power consumption.

As a result, many other OEMs will also adopt the technology and significantly reduce battery drainage during photography.

This is the extent of the details available on Samsung’s upcoming camera sensor at this time. The company has not yet officially announced a 144MP camera sensor, but did not mention improving the 14nm FinFET process for camera sensors during an event last week.

History has repeatedly proven that camera quality is not just megapixels. In this case the iPhone 11 with Galaxy Note 10, Google Pixel 4, and camera sensors are no more than 16MP. Factors including software processing, lens quality, and other reliable computational techniques are also important.

But in any case, a camera that can produce images with a resolution of up to 144MPs is definitely looking forward.


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