Most of the customers of the banks, who maintain their bank accounts in different commercial banks, receive the fake calls and SMS regarding seeking information of the accounts of the customers. Now State Bank of Pakistan has issued clear directives to all bank accounts holders and customers not to share the information regarding their bank accounts on SMS and phone calls. Such people target the personal information and they loot the money of the people from their bank accounts. SBP Directives Stop Sharing Account Info on SMS/Phone.
Due to Coronavirus outbreak, the timings of the banks are reduced and the customers are advised to avoid visiting the branches and they should stay at their homes and use the alternate measures like internet and mobile banking. Now the fraudsters get this chance and they start getting information of the bank accounts from the customers to loot the money from their bank accounts.
SBP has issued necessary instructions that some of the people imitating as the SBP officials, banks or the people from the government agencies and they attempt to seek the personal information from the customers of the banks on pretext of verification of account by taking the benefit of emergency conditions under COVID-19 pandemic. The SBP, banks and other agencies are not gathering the information from the customers of the banks about the bank accounts or cards. SBP never collects the information from the customers of the bank directly. Now the customers of the banks are advised in their larger interest that they should not disclose or share their personal information of the bank accounts or the credit or debit cards including CNIC number, passwords, debit or credit card number, PINs and one time password on incoming phone calls or messages.
If the customers receive such fake calls or messages, they should report it to the Helpline of SBP at 021-111-727-273 or they can send the email at [email protected].