WikiLeaks how CIA hacks iPhones


According to the recent documents published by WikiLeaks, the Central Intelligence Agency is able to infect the Apple Mac computer up to the point that the bug can’t be erased even with reinstalling of the operating system.

WikiLeaks said in its second release, apparently from CIA’s hacking tools, that CIA has been able to intervene in the supply and distribution network of Apple after which it is infusing bugs in new iPhones since 2008.

These recent releases were followed by the initial release of 9th March during which the famous non-profit organization released thousands of pages that include code and instructions from CIA hacking tools. CIA hasn’t recognized these documents but they are believed to be original.

WikiLeaks how CIA hacks iPhones

WikiLeaks how CIA hacks iPhones

As a result of these leaks, US has started counterintelligence investigation to know about the reason behind leaking of these documents from CIA and their arrival to WikiLeaks. Few people are blaming private subcontractors that are used by the agency.

It is known through these documents about the procedure of CIA to spy the users by targeting the iPhones of Apple. In this procedure, they insert invisible bug so deep in computer’s essential firmware that even the reformation of computer can erase the bug.

The bug was named “NightSkies” that was developed by CIA in 2008 in order to implant it in new iPhones of Apple.

WikiLeaks said that CIA sometimes infect the systems physically even in the charge of its target but on several occasions, CIA attacked the supply chain of the organization by intercepting shipments and infected them this way.

CIA working is exhibited in these documents. It shows that the agency is trying to make the bug adaptable to an Apple’s laptop. A 2009 document said that CIA was able to gift a MacBook Air with this bug to its target. This tool runs in the background of a MacBook Air through which it was able for them to command and control the whole system.



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