For most of the people, data privacy has great concerns as we use the different social media platforms. During recent time, various scandals exposed as to how the userdata is misused without the permission. The activists are pushed for the decentralized social media platforms for the digital independence. Wikipedia Co-Founder Launches ‘Social Media Strike’ Campaign on 4 and 5 July.
The similar link in the chain is the main initiative ‘Social Media Strike’ and it has urged the social media users to put ban on the use of the social media on 4 and 5 July in order to raise the issue with tech giants including Twitter, Facebook and others.
Join Wikipedia Co-Founder in the Cause
The co-founder of Wikipedia has initiated the campaign in order to push manipulative corporations to give back the control of data to users. He persuaded those people, who have grievances with the social media over the privacy of data, freedom of speech or any other issues. The people come together and raise their voice collectively for the meaningful push towards the digital independence.
What We Should Do
The people, who want to join the cause, they need to use ‘Social Media Strike’ and sign the declaration by urging social media giant to recognize the digital rights of us and they should reform their networks for improved data security and privacy. The users should not use social media platform for at least one day and they will send their big message to higher authorities of these organizations.
The demand for decentralized social media networks is big and the strike will increase this demand. This campaign is to push the social media platforms to work as neutral service providers with universal set of standards and protocols. These platforms should be interoperable and return the ownership and control to ordinary users. The users need to put the notices of their strikes on these two days to flex the collective muscles and demand the tech companies to change the manipulative ways of operating their social media networks.