Opera Browser New Version Can Open Any Website


Opera Browser has released the new desktop version and it helps the users to stop the commercials and they can also watch the websites, which are banned. The internet users face two types of the big problems like ‘Security and Privacy’ and ‘huge number of commercials’. When the internet users open the website, they find huge number of commercials on the upper and lower end and on the right and left sides of every page of the websites, which they upload on their pages through the AdSense or other similar services so that they can earn more and more money through these services. Even that the users open the website, they also find the advertisements appearing on the page in ‘pop up window’ shape, which eat maximum portion of the internet connection. When huge number of commercials is appeared at the time of opening the websites then the broadband internet connections become slow and it seems that the internet user is using the dial up connection of 20 years before.

The other issues is related to the political and social norms as most of the countries block such websites, which are considered against the peace & security and the interests of the state or they can be considered against the ethical values from official point of view. People try their best to reach these websites and the use online unblock services and the VPN browser plug in and browser extension.

The internet uses, who live in Pakistan, they get got the access to the video sharing website, they know it well , when VPN is provided free then it the internet speed is very slow and the full internet speed demands enough money, which any ordinary person of Pakistan cannot afford. Opera Browser is prepared for the desktop and laptop computers and both the issues are settled with it.  The company prepared the effective Adblock software to stop the unnecessary appearance of the commercials and one virtual private network (VPN), which are now parts of the new opera browser. These two things are present in the built-in in the latest version of Opera browser and these are provided to the users freely.

A blog is posted on the official website of Opera and the VPN browsers is discussed which helps the users to make contact with one of five data centers of Opera with the use of ‘AES Encryption’ of 256 bit. It is apparently seemed that Opera wants to provide maximum facilities to its users. When we carry out the analysis of browsers in the international markets, then it is revealed that the portion of opera is reduced from 2.6% to 1.0% in the browser market, which can be dangerous for the company while the Google Chrome web browser in enhanced from 24% to 72% during this period.


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