The Samsung Galaxy S5 will be launched on 23rd February, a day before the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, according to Russian phone leaker @eldarmurtazin. We’ll take him seriously as he did correctly predict the launch date for the Galaxy S4.
The Galaxy S5 will feature a new incarnation of the Touchwiz UI, a 5.25” 2560×1440 display, all-metal body and Snapdragon 805 quad-core processor or eight-core Exynos processor, according to the Russian mole.
The Taipei Times reported that a company that makes metal bodies for Apple and HTC, Catcher, will be manufacturing Galaxy casings for Samsung in the 2014 first half, in aluminum and magnesium. The Galaxy S5 may be launched in two iterations, a metallic version ‘Galaxy F’ and Samsung Galaxy S5, the plastic backed. We’d see a 13MP camera module on the S5 on the camera front, which is far superior to other smartphones as it would support anti-shake correction of up to 1.5 degrees. The S5 could also be resistant to water and dust.
Right from re-imagined Air View and Smart Scroll to finer styles control and Android 4.4 KitKat, gestures will definitely be bigger part of the action.