Samsung has listed its latest handset, Galaxy S5 Plus and it has the same specifications which the previous device, Galaxy S5 4G+ have and the previous handset was released in the market in Singapore in August. In both devices, the customers will find specs of SM-G901F and add them with the quad-core 2.5 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 SoC. Galaxy S5 is provided with the Snapdragon 801 with Integrated LTE-A connectivity and it runs on the 2GB RAM.
Galaxy S5 Plus or Galaxy S5 4G+ are going to be introduced in the market with their unique and new features. In this device, the customers will find the AMOLED screen with 5.1 full HD screen. The QHD display is not provided in the device, which you will find in the Galaxy S5 LTE-A. The rear-facing camera is only 16 MP, which is enough to make fine quality pictures and record videos. But the front facing camera is only 2MP, which is mainly used for making selfies. The powerful battery of 2800 mAh will help the customers to talk on it for long time, as this battery is powerful enough for long talk time and standby time. Galaxy S5 is powerful enough to run on 4.4.4 Android KitKat and this device has the internal storage capacity of 16 GB, which can be extended up to 128 GB.
Samsung Galaxy S5 is provided with some other unique and wonderful features of fingerprints sensors, heart rate sensors, NFC, IR sensor blaster and USB 3.0. As IP67 certification is provided in this smart phone, so this handset is made dust and waterproof. The customers will also find some other specifications in this device, which are comprised of Kids mode, S Health, Ultra Power saving mode and private mode.