The South Korean tech giant, right after the launch of its flagship Galaxy S21 series has also unveiled the flagship styluses S Pen and S Pen Pro. The Samsung Galaxy S series is getting these styluses for the first time. Earlier, S Pen was launched with Galaxy Note series which is now announced to be discontinued by the company. However, these Styluses lack some features that were present with the Galaxy Note series. The Samsung S21 Ultra will come with the support of S pen features in the series.
As compared to previous S Pen launched with Note series, both vanilla S pen and S Pen Pro is larger in size. So these S Pens will not be fixed in thin phones and will be attached on the sides.
Vanilla S Pen is not supported wirelessly because it does not have a battery inside. Surprisingly, Samsung Galaxy S 21 Ultra can detect it easily due to its dedicated Wacome technology when the S Pen is touched with phone.
On the other side, the S Pen Pro is large in size and also features Bluetooth connectivity. It can be used as a remote shutter key or to control the music player as well. While talking about the further connectivity features of the S Pen Pro the Samsung stated:
We are committed to innovating new Mobile experiences that flow seamlessly and continuously to make our consumers’ lives easier and better. We’ve made the bold decision to expand the S Pen experience to Galaxy S21 Ultra, and plan to expand the S Pen experience across additional device categories in the future. We remain committed to providing the best mobile experience to our consumers and will continue to actively listen and consider consumer feedback in our product innovations.
As far as the pricing and availability of these Styluses is concerned, the S Pen Pro will be launched later this year and its price is unknown yet. On the other hand the vanilla S Pen will be priced at $40 and with its case it will be available at $70.