The Chinese tech giant, Vivo launched its much anticipated series of the smartphones dubbed the Vivo X60 series last year in December. The series consist of two variants including the Vivo X60 and the Vivo X60 Pro and launched in China. The phone maker has now made another addition in the series by announcing the Vivo X60T model. The phone has same specifications like previously launched variants in the series but the phone is powered by a different chipset instead. The main highlights of the phone are MediaTek Dimensity 1100 SoC, triple sensor camera setup, and an AMOLED display.
Design and Dislpay
The Vivo X60T has a similar design like previously launched handsets in the series. As far as the display specs are concerned the phone has 6.56-inch AMOLED display with 1080p resolution, HDR10+ support, 92.76% screen-to-body ratio, 398 PPI density, 120 Hz refresh rate, 100% DCI-P3 color gamut, and HDR10/HDR10+ certifications. The phone comes with a similar rectangular camera bump and matte finish on the back.
Internals and Storage
The Vivo X60T is packed by the MediaTek Dimensity 1100 chipset instead of a Samsung Exynos 1080 SOC. The phone only comes with 8GB+128GB memory configuration.
The phone is topped by Android 11 under OriginOS 1.0. Moreover, the device comes with support for dual-SIM, 5G, WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, and GNSS (BeiDou, GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, QZSS). It also packs essential sensors, such as an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, compass, proximity sensor, gyroscope, and color temperature sensor. However, it lacks the 3.5mm headphone jack and a MicroSD card slot.
The Vivo X60T is featured by a triple sensor camera at the back which has a main sensor of 48MP f/1.5 camera mated with a pair of 13 MP imaging sensors as the telephoto lens and ultra-wide camera. The selfie camera is a 32 MP single sensor shooter. The main highlight of this setup is that they feature Zeiss optics and tuning.
Battery and Pricing
The Vivo X60T is powered by a 4,300mAh battery with a support of 33W fast charging. The phone is now available for sale in China at the price tag of $533.