New Device For 3D Images And Videos With Smartphone


A new device “Eye-Plug” is presented in Taiwan which can make 3D images and videos while this small camera device can be installed in Android phone through USB.
Through this “Eye-Plug” device, the Android customers can make 3D pictures and videos. This device, that work with USB, can be installed in Android phone at any angle which means it can be used as both front or rear camera. Though, it can’t make complete 360 degree video but there is enough depth in its recording which looks closer to 3D technique.
USB port of Android smartphone is required to operate this device. So far, this device is not available for iPhone but it can be presented for iPhone customers after a successful experiment. Apart from 3D images, the price of just $35 is its another important feature. So far, the device is on experimental stage but it will be available to purchase at the end of this year.
It is recommended to use Google cardboard for completely enjoying its 3D images and videos. Google cardboard is a virtual reality headset which is also the cheapest such VR headset. Now smartphone customers can 3D recording with the help of Eye-Plug device.

New Device For 3D Images And Videos With Smartphone

New Device For 3D Images And Videos With Smartphone


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